“We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone, we find it with another” Merton
Our Therapists
- have their own individual therapeutic style integrating a range of theories
- have experienced therapy themselves so understand how daunting and challenging the process can be
- are committed to ongoing CPD and training
- have regular supervision
- are fully insured
We are members of and adhere to the BACP and UKCP ethical guidelines and codes of conduct.
Gail Ciecierska
Integrative Psychotherapist

BA (Hons), Dip SW, PGDip, MSc, MBACP
07763 120561
“I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become” Carl Jung.
My approach as an Integrative Psychotherapist is underpinned by valuing the uniqueness of every individual, whatever their race, self-identified gender, sexual- orientation, or belief system.
My aim is to support you in exploring what is going on in your life and has led you to seek therapy. From our first session onward, I will work collaboratively with you, tailoring the way I work, to find the best therapeutic fit for your individual needs.
Where there is trauma/painful loss, our work together will first focus on building trust and safety within the therapeutic space, so that you are free to share whatever you choose, without fear of judgement. With therapeutic support, you can then engage with the themes and issues that may be limiting how you live now. Where emotions feel difficult, or beyond reach, I will work with you to find new ways to approach them. Drawing from trauma- informed models and keeping safety at the forefront of what we do, we might focus on breath, bodywork and visualisation, to help expand your capacity to regulate, tolerate and integrate strong feelings.
I take the humanistic/existential view that each of us is capable of change/growth throughout our lives and this idea, confirmed by recent developments in our understanding of the brain’s lifelong neuroplasticity, offers real possibility. So, whilst painful experiences that have already happened cannot be undone, through therapy you may be able to work toward a more liveable relationship to such events. This may in turn eventually lead to the shaping of a new narrative, where you get to choose not only, how these experiences are framed, but also how much space they are permitted, both in the here and now…. and in your future.
I may incorporate the use of creative materials, metaphor, objects and processes, ie sand tray work, to assist you in exploring thoughts, ideas and relational dynamics. Research shows that use of such visual materials/ symbolism may offer profound insights where words fail, and facilitate connection to non-verbal and out of reach (unconscious) thoughts, beliefs and feelings. You are of course free to choose whether or not to engage with such ways of working and I am always happy to adapt my approach, accordingly.
Theoretical underpinnings to my approach: Systemic/Existential/Gestalt and Transactional Analysis.
I work therapeutically both short and long-term, with individuals and couples experiencing difficulties related to;
Relationship dynamics/ endings/anger/stress/OCD/anxiety /depression/low mood/loss/trauma/PTSD/low self-esteem/shame/self-harm/sexual abuse/ sexual difficulties/ gender identity/sexual- orientation/ difficult life experiences/life transitions.
I offer all potential clients a free half hour consultation, (either face to face/phone or online), so we both get a chance to experience how working together might feel. I encourage you to see two or three therapists before making a decision about who to work with. Whether you choose to work with me or a colleague, I wish you all the very best with your onward therapeutic work.
Therapy Info:
Individual sessions £65-£75 each (50 mins) or £115-£135 (90 mins).
Couple sessions £75-£95 (50 mins) or £130-£170(90 mins).
Concessions may be available to those on a low income/ receiving state benefits.
Hassocks BN6 sole use/discrete location in private road/ free parking directly outside.
By train-Hassocks is the next stop after Preston Park from Btn- (London/Brighton route). Rooms are a 2 minute walk from the station.
what3words location: fells.cassettes.lyricism
Background Info
I have worked with individuals and couples as a therapist since 2012 and as an Integrative Psychotherapist since 2013, including six years as volunteer therapist at Brighton Oasis Project, specialising in supporting women engaged in sex work. Prior to this, I spent 12 years working with individuals and families in a range of related roles, within the helping professions.
1981- Ba (Hons). University of Brighton
1991- Diploma in SW. West Sussex Institute of Higher Education.
2012-Post Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling. University of Brighton.
2013-Masters in Psychotherapy. University of Brighton.
MBACP-Member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, (BACP).
Regular supervision undertaken /ongoing engagement in relevant therapeutic material/training opportunities, to continue personal professional development.
Becky Williams
Hassocks (West Sussex)
Counsellor and Integrative Psychotherapist

BA (Hons), PGDip, MSc, MBACP, MUPCA (Accred), UKCP (Reg)
07932 052630
I trained in the Humanistic tradition and now work integratively, drawing on theory from Relational Transactional Analysis, Person-centred therapy and psychodynamic theory. I am also a registered yoga teacher with an interest in the therapeutic benefits of meditation for psychological wellbeing. I work short term and long term, and offer low cost places to those less able to pay my standard rates.
Each one of us is a unique human being, with a unique way of understanding the world.
I will treat you as an individual, offering a supportive relationship in which we can work together towards a deeper understanding of how things are for you, paving the way for your own self development. Our therapeutic relationship will provide the foundation for positive change to occur.