“Where there is ruin, there is also hope for treasure” Rumi
As we are often with clients, please leave a message with your name, number and a convenient time to call and one of our therapists will call you back within 24 hours. To ensure your confidentiality please state if you are happy for us to leave a message for you.
Find us:
Gail Ciecierska
E: gail.c@theloftpractice.com P:07763 120561
Hassocks BN6 sole use/discrete location in private road/ free parking directly outside (see map below).
By train-Hassocks is the next stop after Preston Park from Btn- (London/Brighton route). Rooms are a 2 minute walk from the station.
what3words location: fells.cassettes.lyricism
Becky Williams
E: becky@theloftpractice.com P: 07932 052630
A short walk from Hassocks station.
Contact Us
Consulting Rooms in:
Hassocks, Mid Sussex
Title | Address | Description | Directions |
Hassocks BN6 | N Bank, Hassocks BN6 8JG | Directions |